Soul to Soul Programs
Work with Stephanie one-on-one to confidently face your challenges and answer the questions you have about your life. With guidance from your guardians, angels, master teachers or higher self, Life Awareness Sessions provide you with the insights you need to navigate life’s challenges with a clearer direction.
With three deep dive program options, Stephanie uses her gift of clairvoyance to open the lines of communication between you are your spirit guides while also giving proven coaching tips to help you move forward with confidence.
Stephanie's Process
Through telepathy, a non-physical form of communication, your animal will work like a radio broadcast station, and I will work as the receiver.
If your animal shows pictures, I will receive them and describe the pictures to you. If your animal speaks in feelings or sensations, I can feel them and interpret those for you as well.
I am also able to reverse the process and speak the same language to your animals to convey messages from you to them. This means if they speak in pictures, I speak back in pictures to them.
Stephanie’s Life Awareness Program Options

Stephanie’s Consulting Guarantee
A deeper understanding and level of connectedness between you and your pet so that you can make knowledgeable decisions as a pet parent instead of making guesses about your pet’s emotions, thoughts, desires and concerns.
Action Steps
Customized plan of action for both you and your pet. Stephanie will provide you with actionable options and recommendations designed to help you and your pet resolve issues and move forward together.
Peace Of Mind
Greater peace in your heart as Stephanie helps you ease the anxiety you have about your ability to communicate with your pet so that a healthy working relationship can be established and maintained.
Frequently Asked Questions
It's normal to have questions about this type of work. Here are a few common questions and answers. If you have more concerns, please contact me.
I offer three multiple-session options, ranging in duration from four months to one year. The four-month Soul Adventure program is a short-term option meant to assist you with a pressing decision or challenge that you are facing in your life. The nine-month Soul Expedition program is a more intensive option designed to help you through period of major change or growth. The one-year Soul Journey program is my most extensive option, offering a deep dive into soul growth techniques and spiritual world work for individuals on a strong spiritual path
What Clients Say
If a fulfilled life led by divine spiritual guidance is what you seek, book your life awareness information session today.